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Renting vs buying an iPhone: which is the best option?

With a new iPhone hitting the market every 12 to 18 months, trying to keep up with the latest handheld tech can become a huge drain on your bank account. That’s where renting comes in: get your hands on an iPhone 12, iPhone 13, or iPhone 14 for a low monthly fee for a year and then trade it in for a newer model. It’s called the circular economy—and it’s here to stay.

Why renting an iPhone is better than buying

We’ve all been there: our old iPhone is about to give up the ghost, so we head to the Apple store to check out the new options. But wait—there’s a hefty price tag attached. Plus, there’s a new model coming out in just six months. And what if you drop the thing after you take it home? It’s the same old cycle: you spend hundreds, walk around with the same phone for two years, then repeat the process once the phone becomes too old to reasonably meet your performance expectations. How can you always stay on top of your smartphone game without having to regularly empty your bank account for the privilege?

iPhone monthly payments

The answer: renting. By subscribing to a monthly iPhone plan, you can rent the newest model iPhone for a low monthly fee and enjoy all the benefits of a premium handheld without any of the financial drawbacks. The installments are interest-free and easy to pay, and—in comparison to a lease—there is no requirement to pay a buyout price to keep the phone. After all, why would you want to? You can simply trade in your iPhone 12 for the iPhone 13, or the iPhone 13 for the iPhone 14, and reap the reward of having the latest Apple tech at your fingertips at all times.

Aiming for the iPhone 14

The prize is, of course, always the latest model—and right now, it’s the iPhone 14. Compared to the iPhone 13, the battery life is longer, the already excellent cameras are even stronger, the processor is faster, the Bluetooth capability has been updated, and there’s now an eSIM instead of a regular SIM card. Plenty of new bells and whistles, in other words. Now, if you bought an iPhone 12 or iPhone 13, you would likely hold off on switching to the iPhone 14 because of the cost. With renting, you don’t need to worry—once you reach the end of your minimum rental period, you can return it and exchange it for the latest model.

The circular economy

Another more general benefit of renting is that you are contributing to the circular economy. That’s a production model where participants share, lease, reuse, repair, and recycle existing products for as long as possible. It’s better for the environment and better for your wallet, and gives everyone the chance to enjoy quality products like the Apple iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 without having to break the bank.

How to rent an iPhone with Grover

We make renting an iPhone child’s play, so you can enjoy your new smartphone from the first day of your chosen rental period to the last. We have plenty of iPhone options available, including the super-affordable Apple iPhone 12 mini with 256GB of storage and dual SIM , and the ultra-high-performance Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max with 512GB of storage and dual SIM . After selecting your new smartphone, you simply need to choose your minimum rental period: 1+, 3+, 6+, or 12+ months (the longer the period, the cheaper the monthly fee). It’ll be delivered to you within 3–5 business days, and we provide free shipping and returns. And if you drop it? We have you covered with Grover Care, our free policy that covers 90% of damages to any product. One final note: if it turns out that you can’t bear to part with your iPhone, there’s a purchase option included at the end of the rental period.

A win for your wallet, the environment, and your street cred. Start renting today.

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